Killing the Virus-Covid 19- Opening the Economy

Killing the Virus
Killing the Virus

The Covid 19 Vaccinations are being handed out, and it seems as though state government officials are opening up business slowly. The decline in the L.A. area has changed several areas to the moderate threat of virus contamination. What does this mean? It appears as though the stay at home orders for non essential businesses are gone. You have places such as DisneyLand planning to open soon, with restrictions to how many can enter the park. Urgency of wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands frequently, are still the order of the day, that won’t probably go away for awhile.  Ball parks and stadiums are allowing limited access to ball games, and events. Killing the Virus

Folks are getting a little more comfortable than usual. You must admit, the biggest thing to happen this year is the fact that the vaccines are getting handed out. The question is can we get vaccinations out fast enough to prevent the virus from overtaking us again?

You are starting to see less discipline around the safety precautions that we need to take. Folks are outside closed together in parks, and beaches, with some wearing mask and others disregarding these precautions.

School is not out yet on the efficacy of these vaccines due to the variants that are out there. It is unfortunate that we have a section of society that either do not believe the virus is dangerous, or just won’t take the safety precautions. We do look like we are turning the corner, but as the virus variants are hitting places like Michigan, and progressing to another peaking of the virus; there is still loose thinking that the virus will be curtailed quickly. Just interviewing people you run across in every day life. The most common response is that they are waiting to get vaccinated. Some have already been vaccinated.  Then you run into someone that will just tell you that they don’t believe the virus is dangerous, and will refrain from even getting the shot. Of course they have a mask on , but I still ponder the thought, as to why they would take a chance and not get this shot. My memories that plague me most of all, are the tractor trailers of bodies outside the hospitals. Yes good things like the vaccinations can make you forget about all of the bad things, but we are vulnerable to believing that this over; after all we have all been restricted in living our lives for over the past year. (Killing the Virus)

I write this article as a precaution that we should all be vigilant in maintaining the CDC guidelines such as social distancing. Noted CDC guideline

Clinking on the link above will give more guidance to the capabilities of the vaccines.

So, considering all of what we know, it is still imperative that we all still do our bidding in protection against the virus, regardless.  We are close to the end, but not there yet. Be safe!  Click here for your opinions.

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