Wear the Mask- Some Folks Don’t Get It

Wear the Mask has been an ugly thing for most of us during the pandemic crisis. Let’s go back to March when things where shutting down. Hospitals were started to get bogged down, they had to send two floating army hospitals out to L.A. and New York. The deaths in New York were so bad, they had refer unit trailers to keep up the make shift morgues. Now of course the hospitals were probably not ready for this at the time, as they were caught short on equipment, supplies, ppe, ventilators; you know the stuff …READ MORE

COVID-19–Be Safe out there, follow the CDC guidelines!

COVID-19 – This has pretty much changed our everyday lives into a new reality. Right now, most of us are trying to be safe by keeping our distance and staying put in our homes. Right now life is changing before our very eyes. Should you go out to the store for essentials, you of course see the panic buying, particularly the hygiene stuff. We are experiencing a change in our attitudes, and most of all, we our all in panic, as life as we knew it; where we got up to earn a living, gather …READ MORE