Voting is Fundamental–Participation is Key


Voting is Fundamental
Voting is Fundamental

Voting is Fundamental: Voting is a right that often some people take for granted. Now is the time for folks to see our democracy at work. Despite the many efforts that have been employed to discourage voting, it appears as though this year people are getting out to vote.

During the last presidential election, only 61.4% of Americans voted. Now considering that there a lot was a lot of gerrymandering of certain voting districts, lack of voting facilities, downright intimidation of voters, it makes you wonder where would the country be if we were around the 70-80 percentile.

My opinion would be that if we had that type of participation in voting, we would see more democratic reforms that would be able to focus on the problems of the nation. Remember the winners, still will have to satisfy the losers, as they are still part of this democracy. You would see more collaboration within the masses. All people want improvement on their resources, i.e. education, health, and living conditions. This is just the common ground of living in America.

You hear folks say they will not go out and vote, because they don’t believe in either candidates. They may have a valid point, but should that stop you from still participating in the American dream of true democracy?

Yes, this is what you would call, “the people’s own self-induced”, voter’s suppression.

The arguments out there are plenty, but for the most part, it would appear as though you should always want to have a say in your conditions that you experience in everyday life. It is your opinion, that you are registering during the election. Should you not show, up at all, that is an expression. This expression has no definition of why you did not show up. Saying you do not like either candidate, will not get any attention at all, as you are not expressing your considerations.  It shows disenfranchisement. You are not happy with the system. Should you decide to write in your own name for candidacy, then one would expect that you had a platform, and that you would have just did more than just vote for yourself. What do you think?

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How about the participation part?

You know most people think that it is all over once you cast that vote. After the election, you still need to participate in a manner to hold the winners of office accountable for what you voted for. No matter who wins the office, you still hold these winning candidate’s feet to the fire.

So if you haven’t voted yet and do have your early mail in ballot in hand, go ahead and fill it out, and then take it to your nearest poll and drop it off at the ballot box, should your state allow you to do this. In California you can go to the early polling facilities to drop off your ballots.

Yes, the anticipation of the results of this election probably has everyone on pins and needles. During these times of having a pandemic, civil unrest, economic uncertainty, will we come out of this better or will be come out this more stressed.  The answer is with each and every one of us! Go Vote!



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