2022 NBA Free Agency and Movement-

2022 NBA Free Agency has taken on a strange twist; as we see Kyrie Irving opt in to his contract with the Nets and then later we see Kevin Durant wanted to be traded afterwards. Could you blame him?  Remember a few years back when this was brewing with both Irving and Durant wanting to play together. This was thought to be a beatable combination. Let’s see; Durant had that injury, and Kyrie pretty much had to carry the team in the 2019-2020 season. Kevin comes back late in the 2020-2021 season and plays 35 …READ MORE

NBA All Star Break-Rating the 1st half

  NBA All Star Break- Considering the pandemic and it’s havoc that it has wreaked across society and the sports world, NBA basketball has been pretty entertaining. Consider the start of the season and the protocols in place for Covid, a lot of the starters on these teams hadn’t been together enough to really get a good momentum going. The one team that was on a roll was the Utah Jazz. Remember the team that canceled their games about a year ago because 2 of their players had tested positive for Covid. Remembering Rudy Gobert …READ MORE

Corona Virus CoVid-19- Shutting down everything

Corona Virus CoVid-19 Shutting down everything and can you imagine back in January we would be where we are at today. The big kicker started with the NBA wanting to play games in an empty arena, but that changed shortly once Rudy Gobert was diagnosed with this disease. In the midst of starting the late games on Wednesday night, the NBA decided to shut it all down for a while, by declaring they would suspend the League’s play. Wow! Okay that was a kicker, but then several other leagues started to think this out and …READ MORE