Voting-Growing-America- What do you do!


Voting is essential!  There has been a lot of discussions around who do you like in the upcoming elections. Some people are committed to voting one way or another. The concerns that are out there are about the people who come back and say, ” I don’t like either candidate”, so they will not be voting.  (Voting-Growing-America)

Sad state of affairs when you cannot seem to choose a candidate based on sound decisions for yourself. Most folks have a conviction as to why they are voting for whoever they choose. Unfortunately voting seems to be an subjective point of view rather than an objective choosing. Examples, are, ” I just like the guy, because he tells it like it is”, or I don’t like this guy so I am voting for this person.  Although their may be some off the wall decisions as to why a person chooses a candidate; none the less they are exercising their right to vote! That is the right thing to do in a democracy.

Now; how about those folks that have a grudge and do not want to participate as far as voting?  I’ve heard this many times, about not wanting to vote, and it is their right to choose not to vote. Funny, these folks have opinions, but they do not want to participate. They did some research, but not quite enough to make a choice. Some of the research is true, and some of the research is bogus.  The point of the matter is that they truly have the right to choose not to vote, but clearly this is not logical.

You are out on a island, and there are two boats available. Both boats have a hole in them. One has a hole bigger than the other. You are probably going to choose the boat with the smaller hole, and try to fix it. You want to leave that island bad enough, you will choose one or the other.

In the land of democracy, it would bode well that everyone participate in elections, as the outcome with great percentages benefits all. The winners will always try to get folks that didn’t vote for them on their side. The last national election had about a 55% participation rate. Considering it was a close race, just a little over 1/2 the eligible folks voted. What does that mean?

We have only half the folks in the country worried about voting or concerns about participating in the democratic way of life. It lends to the fact that when people do not vote, it gives some meaning to the voter polls being purged.  There are a lot of movements out there fighting against voter suppression, but yet almost 1/2 the country for whatever reason, will not go out and vote. Voter suppression starts with each and every person in America exercising their right to vote. The people that go and vote their choices; hurray for them. They made a decision and they went to the polls.  Voting-Growing-America

The people who elected not to go to the polls, shouldn’t have much to say at all when it comes to how this country is run, as they didn’t go out and exercise that right. This means your voice was not heard, and quite frankly it lends to only a few who care about the outcome; win or lose.  Sadly; when it is all said and done, we have the politics we have today, because we are not getting representation from the people that elect not to vote.  What is your true feeling?  Sort of like the census, if you don’t participate, resources are only based on what is counted. If you are not counted, then resources can’t be allocated fairly.  Same goes for voting. Your candidate may lose, but your vote counted and the newly elected has to realize that and try to get you on their side of thinking. Your elected officials should be looking at this all the time, as they are supposed to represent the people and not a fraction of the people.  Voting-Growing-America

So I can only urge folks to either vote by mail early, or make it a point to get to the polls, and let your voice be heard!

Sports has opened up and some excitement has begun to rev up the crowd, will football be the first to get fans back in their seats again?

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